Is Python Case Sensitive When Dealing With Identifiers?

Is Python Case Sensitive When Dealing With Identifiers?

Python is a case-sensitive language and hence identifiers are case-sensitive. Therefore, it considers uppercase and lowercase characters differently. This function is beneficial while naming identifiers to make code more convenient way. Python is a popular programming language that has its own rules for grammar and conventions for naming identifiers.

Criteria for Identifiers in Python

  • Python has a total of 35 reserved keywords. The main function of these keywords is to define the syntax of the programming language.
  • All identifiers in the same scope will be distinct.
  • Use of the combination of lowercase characters (a-z), uppercase characters (A-Z), digital(0-9), and underscore characters while naming identifiers.
  • Identifiers in Python are case-sensitive. Eg: ”myPet” and ”my pet” are different.
  • Special characters such as @,$, %,&,*, and # cannot be used in identifier names.
  • Identifiers must begin with a non-numeric character. The underscore can be the first character of the identifier name.
  • length of the identifier name can vary.

Example of a Valid Python Identifier

my_variable = 42
my_function = lambda x: x * 2
MyClass = type('MyClass', (object,), {'attribute': 'value'})

In this example, we have three valid identifiers:

  1. my_variable: Identifies a variable holding the value 42.
  2. my_function: Identifies a lambda function that doubles its input.
  3. MyClass: Identifies a dynamically created class with an attribute named 'attribute'.

Remember that Python is case-sensitive, so my_variable and My_Variable would be considered as two different identifiers. Additionally, you should avoid using reserved keywords like if, else, while, etc., as identifiers, as they have specific meanings in the Python language and cannot be used as variable names.

FAQ-Is Python Case sensitive when dealing with identifiers

Q1. Is Python programming language not case-sensitive while dealing with identifiers?

Ans.YES, Python is a case-sensitive programming language. This means that it treats uppercase and lowercase letters differently.

Q2. Which programming language is not case-sensitive?

Ans.Some case-insensitive programming languages include:
Most BASICs (e.g., Microsoft BASIC)
SQL (syntax and some vendor implementations)

Q3. What is the difference between case-sensitive and case-insensitive language?

Ans. Case-sensitive: Recognizes the difference between uppercase and lowercase (e.g., “A” and “a” are different).
Case-insensitive: Ignores the difference between uppercase and lowercase (e.g., “A” and “a” are the same).

Hridhya Manoj

Hello, I’m Hridhya Manoj. I’m passionate about technology and its ever-evolving landscape. With a deep love for writing and a curious mind, I enjoy translating complex concepts into understandable, engaging content. Let’s explore the world of tech together

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