Table of Contents
Python consists of built-in methods that will be used on the strings. They will manipulate the strings. However, the string method won’t change the original string instead it will return the new string along with the changed attributes. Let us look into this article to learn more about Python String Methods.
Python string consists of the sequence of the Unicode characters that will be enclosed in the quotation marks. Hence, you can find Python string methods below.
Python functions will change the case of the strings. Check out the Python String Methods provided below:
a. lower()-It will convert all the uppercase characters in a string to the lowercase.
b.upper(): This string method in Python will turn all the lowercase characters in a string into the uppercase.
c.title(): It will change the string to the title case.
d.swapcase(): It will swap the cases of all the characters in the string.
e.capitalize(): capitalize will convert the first character of the string to the uppercase.
Let us look into the table below to learn more about the Python String Methods list.
Function Name | Description |
capitalize() | Capitalize will Change the first character of the string to a capital (uppercase) letter. |
center() | This string method will pad the string with the specified character. |
casefold() | It will implement careless string matching. |
encode() | encount will encode the string with the particular encoded scheme. |
count() | This string method in Python will return the number of occurrences of the substring in the string. |
endswith() | This find() will return the lowest index of the substring if it is found |
expandtabs() | This string method will Specify the amount of space to be substituted with the “\t” symbol in the string. |
find() | This find() will returns the lowest index of the substring if it is found |
format() | This string method will format the string for printing it to the console. |
format_map() | It will format the specified value in the strings with the dictionary. |
index() | Format specified values in a string using a dictionary. |
isalnum() | This string method will Check if all the characters in a given string are either alphanumeric or not. |
isalpha() | isalpha() will returns “True” if all characters in the string are alphabet. |
isdecimal() | isdecimal() will return true if every characters in a string are decimal |
isdigit() | It will returns “True” if all characters in the string are digits |
isidentifier() | It will Check whether a string is a valid identifier or not |
islower() | islower() will check if all characters in the string are lowercase. |
isnumeric() | Isnumeric will return “True” when the string characters are numeric. |
isprintable() | It will returns “True” when the characters in the string are either printable or the string is empty |
isspace() | isspace() will Returns “True” if all characters in the string are whitespace characters |
istitle() | It will return “True” if the string is title-cased. |
isupper() | It will check if all the characters in the string are uppercase. |
join() | Join() will return a concatenated String. |
ljust() | It will the left align with the string according to the width provided. |
lower() | lower() will change all the uppercase characters in a string into lowercase. |
lstrip() | It will return the string with the leading characters that need to be removed. |
maketrans() | Replace all occurrences of a substring with another substring |
partition() | Splits the string at the first occurrence of the separator |
replace() | This Python String Method will replace all occurrences of a substring with another substring. |
rfind() | It will return the highest index of the substring. |
rindex() | This rindex() will return with the highest index of the substring inside the string. |
rjust() | This will right align the string according to the width required. |
rpartition() | This string method will split the given string into three parts. |
rsplit() | Split the string from the right by the specified separator |
rstrip() | r strip() will remove the trailing characters |
splitlines() | This splitlines() will split the lines at line boundaries. |
startswith() | This method will return “True” if the string begins with the given prefix. |
strip() | It will return the string with both the leading and trailing characters. |
swapcase() | Converts all uppercase characters to lowercase and vice versa |
title() | This will Convert string to title case |
translate() | translate () will modify the string according to the given translation mappings |
upper() | It will turn every lowercase character in a string into an uppercase |
zfill() | It will return a copy of the string with ‘0’ characters padded to the left side of the string |
Let us look into the example provided below for changing the case of the Python string.
# Define a sample string
sample_string = "Hello, World!"
# 1. len(): Get the length of the string
length = len(sample_string)
print(f"Length of the string: {length}")
# 2. upper(): Convert the string to uppercase
uppercase_string = sample_string.upper()
print(f"Uppercase string: {uppercase_string}")
# 3. lower(): Convert the string to lowercase
lowercase_string = sample_string.lower()
print(f"Lowercase string: {lowercase_string}")
# 4. capitalize(): Capitalize the first character of the string
capitalized_string = sample_string.capitalize()
print(f"Capitalized string: {capitalized_string}")
# 5. count(): Count the occurrences of a substring in the string
substring_count = sample_string.count("l")
print(f"Count of 'l' in the string: {substring_count}")
# 6. replace(): Replace a substring with another substring
replaced_string = sample_string.replace("Hello", "Hi")
print(f"String after replacement: {replaced_string}")
# 7. split(): Split the string into a list of substrings based on a delimiter
split_string = sample_string.split(",")
print(f"String after split: {split_string}")
# 8. strip(): Remove leading and trailing whitespaces from the string
whitespace_string = " Hello, World! "
stripped_string = whitespace_string.strip()
print(f"String after stripping whitespaces: {stripped_string}")
Length of the string: 13
Uppercase string: HELLO, WORLD!
Lowercase string: hello, world!
Capitalized string: Hello, world!
Count of 'l' in the string: 3
String after replacement: Hi, World!
String after split: ['Hello', ' World!']
String after stripping whitespaces: Hello, World!
To conclude, a Python string is a sequence of characters enclosed by quotation marks. This article has also listed the various Python string methods and will help the students to improve their knowledge and skills in Python String Methods.
Ans. This Python string method consists of the in-built Python function that will be performed on the lists.
Ans. The _str_ method will return the human-readable, informal, or string representation of this method.
Ans. The string-to-string method is an in-built method in Java that will return the value that is provided to the string object.
Hello, I’m Hridhya Manoj. I’m passionate about technology and its ever-evolving landscape. With a deep love for writing and a curious mind, I enjoy translating complex concepts into understandable, engaging content. Let’s explore the world of tech together