When it comes to rolling the dice, 6 is the real 10.
As 2022 hits the pedal, we all are looking forward and making plans for the year—but sometimes to move ahead, you must look back.
I think it goes without saying that 2022 was a year of transformation. Even though 2021 was about survival, 2022 was the year when people, corporations, and society started looking ahead to influence their futures.
Last year resulted in a K-type recovery with companies that had invested in technology, digital, and data.
Note– A K-shaped recovery is an economic recovery following a recession where only certain sectors, industries, or areas of the economy recover while others persistently lag.
While it is difficult to make accurate predictions in an unpredictable environment, it is without a doubt that the year ahead will bring in several golden opportunities.
And, we want you to have all the arrows in your quiver!
As more businesses in India embrace digital ways of working, career opportunities in high-growth fields are on the rise, and employers are seeking to bridge the gap for trained talent.
It is your time to shine!
Check out the following areas in the world of technology.
Just a side note, although these fields can be pursued individually, I suggest you, at least, check out the beginner courses for all of the following to build a strong and versatile foundation.
After all, a jack of all trades is better than a master of one.
Did you know that Eugene Goostman, a chatbot, managed to pass the Turing Test?
Alan Turin created the test in 1950 to evaluate a machine’s intelligence. If the machine could convince a human that they were actually talking to another human, the machine would pass the test. Eugen managed to achieve this in 2014, making 1 out of 3 judges think that it was human.
No! For the last time, machines are not going to take over humans. The fact above just goes to show the ever-lasting potential of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
Leaders predict that Ethical AI frameworks will play a significant role in 2022. Considering how Big Tech has been held accountable for its biased AI algorithms, we will see an increased focus on the responsible and ethical development of AI/ML.
Along with ML decision-making processes, several ethical tests will also be extended to data privacy. Companies will start standardizing their processes accordingly, and we will see a stark change in the organization’s data strategy.
In short, India will need more ML/AI experts and you can be one of them.
Check out the Skillvertex Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Upskilling programs and let us help you transform your curiosity into expertise.
What do you call a rehabilitation meeting for alcoholic hackers? Anonymous Anonymous.
The above is a joke (lame? probably).
However, the threat of breaches and leaks in information frameworks is extremely real.
In recent years, there is a significant increase in the number of cyberattacks targeting software supply chains. These attacks are particularly effective because they can take down an organization’s entire software supply chain and services, resulting in massive business disruptions.
Unfortunately, we can expect these attacks to become even more common in 2022.
Cybercriminals will realize that these supply chain attacks are an effective way to cause maximum disruption, and once inside the trusted gates, the hardest part of the hack job is already done.
Cyber Security professionals are responsible for preventing such attacks and protecting the company. There are more than 3,000 jobs available for professionals in Cyber Security in top MNCs.
Join the Skillvertex Cyber Security Upskilling Program and put your chit in the hat. This just might be the lottery you are destined to win.
Without data science, companies would be blind and deaf, wandering out onto the web like a clueless deer on a freeway.
Data Science, an interdisciplinary field, is a mixture of multiple Machine Learning algorithms, tools, and techniques that aim to extract trends and patterns from raw and unstructured business data. It is not a new concept for businesses any more. It has become an integral cog in the wheel of business, especially for enterprises that rely on data to gather insights.
Did you know Netflix was able to influence 80% of its content just by analyzing data from its 100+ million subscribers?
Data Science professionals have an expert understanding of several mathematical and statistical techniques using which they draw conclusions to the problems and help in the growth and development of the organization.
There are over 18,000 Data Science jobs available for both entry-level and experienced professionals in India.
Trust me. It does not get better than this.
Check out the Skillvertex Data Science Upskilling Program and answer your calling.
Every coin has two sides- heads or tails.
If you cannot choose, just grab the coin.
No. I am not asking you to steal. I am just asking you to get the best of both worlds.
Web development is divided into two parts- the aesthetics of the front end and the technology of the back end. However, to become the master of both, you would have to become a full-stack developer.
Full-stack web development is one of the most demanded and versatile fields. As a full-stack developer, you would be able to handle servers, databases, as well as clients. There are different kinds of stacks that one needs to use based on the project’s requirements.
Currently, India has over 19,000 jobs available for Web Developers in top MNCs.
The demand for full-stack developers will steadily increase in the market as new technologies enter. While it comes with its bells and whistles, you will have to learn a lot of stuff that other developers do not have to, and it can seem a little daunting to someone.
Don’t worry!
Dot the i’s and cross the t’s with the Skillvertex Full Stack Web Development Upskilling Program where not only you will learn the skills you need, but also get the right career guidance.
They say the best place to hide evidence is Page 2 of Google Search.
However, if you are a company in search of an online presence, you would want to be on the first page.
Digital Marketing is the best way of marketing and advertising numerous products and services of various companies. With the help of the plethora of digital platforms available, such as websites, mobile applications, email, social media, search engine rankings, and more, Digital Marketers can advertise whatever their companies offer.
Digital Marketing is a broad field that includes Email Marketing, Content Writing, Social Media Marketing (SMM), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), etc. However, the main responsibility of a Digital Marketer, irrespective of the department they work in, is to create broad awareness of their brand and generate leads through free and paid digital channels.
With more and more organizations shifting to make an online presence and expand their clientele, the demand for Digital Marketing has reached new heights.
There are over 14,000 jobs available for Digital Marketing professionals specializing in the numerous sectors of this domain.
And, this seems like a good place for you to start.
Join the Skillvertex Digital Marketing Upskilling Program and take that first step towards a glowing career.
Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant.
We have seen trends come and go; the only thing that remains constant is money.
If you find finance intimidating- welcome to my world. All of us think that finance is all about mavericks dressed in black panicking over frantic stock tickers. However, from what I have researched, finance has a seat at every table.
It does not matter if you work in tech or education, consulting or advertising. Your company needs cash flow to pay salaries, distribute dividends, and reinvest in product innovation.
Finance is at the core of business decision-making. If you’re pitching a project or angling for additional funding, understanding and being able to communicate how you can turn that investment into revenue for your organization will help you make a more convincing argument.
If you’re entering the workforce as a young professional without extensive experience, showing you have business knowledge makes you a more attractive candidate. This is particularly relevant in non-finance fields, where financial education is less common but no less fundamental to running a successful business.
The world of finance has grown beyond traditional big banks. The need is everywhere. Learning how to take quantitative data and use it to solve problems and make sound business decisions is a valuable skill that can serve you in your career now and in the future.
So, join the Skillvertex Finance Upskilling Program and become a real-world problem solver.