programming Thu, 11 Apr 2024 12:01:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 programming 32 32 Python Identity Operator Thu, 11 Apr 2024 12:01:22 +0000 Read more]]>

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The Python Identity operator will compare the objects by checking if the object belongs to the same memory location. Read this article to learn more about Python Identity Operator.

What is Python Identity Operator

Python operator consists of two operators such as ‘is‘and ‘is not‘. Both the values will be returned with the Boolean values. The in-operators will check if the value comes true only if the operand object shares the same memory location.

Furthermore, the memory location of the object will be achieved with the help of the ”id()” function. Whereas, if both the variables id() are the same, then the in operator will return with the True.

# Identity Operator - 'is'
x = [1, 2, 3]
y = [1, 2, 3]
z = x

# 'is' operator checks if both variables refer to the same object in memory
print(x is y)  # False, because x and y refer to different objects
print(x is z)  # True, because x and z refer to the same object

# Identity Operator - 'is not'
print(x is not y)  # True, because x and y do not refer to the same object
print(x is not z)  # False, because x and z refer to the same object



However, list and tuple will do operations very differently. The example given below contains two lists such as ”a” and ”b” with the same items and the id() varies.

print ("id(a), id(b):", id(a), id(b))
print ("a is b:", a is b)
print ("b is not a:", b is not a)


id(a), id(b): 1552612704640 1552567805568
a is b: False
b is not a: True

The list or tuple has memory locations of individual items only and not the items themselves. Thus, ”a ” consists of an address of 10,20, or 30 integer objects that are located in a particular location and will be different from the of ”b”.


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140734682034984 140734682035016 140734682035048

Here, the ‘is’ operator will return with a false value even if it contains the same numbers. This happens due to the two different locations of a and b.


To conclude, this article will improve our knowledge of the Python Identity Operator. It has also provided examples of the ”is” and ”is not” operators.

Python Identity Operator- FAQs

Q1. What is an identity operator in Python?

Ans. Python Identity operator is considered as the special comparison operator to find if the two variables have the same object in the memory.

Q2. What is the symbol for the identity operator?

Ans. d will stand for the identity function and I for the identity matrix

Q3. What is ID in Python for example?

Ans. The id method will return a unique integer number for every unique value it will be worked with.

Hridhya Manoj

Hello, I’m Hridhya Manoj. I’m passionate about technology and its ever-evolving landscape. With a deep love for writing and a curious mind, I enjoy translating complex concepts into understandable, engaging content. Let’s explore the world of tech together

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Assignment Operators in Python Thu, 11 Apr 2024 12:00:53 +0000 Read more]]>

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Assignment Operators will work on values and variables. They are the special symbols that hold arithmetic, logical, and bitwise computations. The value which the operator operates is referred to as the Operand.

Read this article about Assignment Operators in Python

What are Assignment Operators?

The assignment operator will function to provide value to variables. The table below is about the different types of Assignment operator

+=Add and Assign operator will add right side operand with left side operand, assign to left operand a+=b
= It will assign the value of the right side of the expression to the left side operandx=y+z
-=Subtract AND operator can subtract the right operand from the left operand and then assign it to the left operand: True if both operands are equala -= b  
*=Subtract AND operator can subtract the right operand from the left operand and then assign it to the left operand: True if both operands are equala *= b     
/=Divide AND will divide the left operand with right operand and then assign to the left operanda /= b
%=Divide AND will divide the left operand with the right operand and then assign to the left operanda %= b  
It functions bitwise left on operands and will assign value to the left operand a <<= b 
This operator will perform right shift on operands and can assign value to the left operanda >>= b     

This will function the bitwise xOR operands and can assign value to the left operand a ^= b    

This will function Bitwise OR operands and will provide value to the left operand.a |= b    

This operator will perform Bitwise AND on operand and can provide value to the left operanda&=b
Exponent AND operator will evaluate the exponent value with the help of operands an assign value to the left operanda**=b

Here we have listed each of the Assignment operators

1. What is Assign Operator?

This assign operator will provide the value of the right side of the expression to the left operand.


x = y + z


# Assigning values using  
# Assignment Operator 
a = 3
b = 5
c = a + b 
# Output 



2. What is Add and Assign

This Add and Assign operator will function to add the right side operand with the left side operator, and provide the result to the left operand.


x += y


a = 3
b = 5
# a = a + b 
a += b 
# Output 



3. What is Subtract and assign?

This subtract and assign operator works to subtract the right operand from the left operand and give the result to the left operand.


x -= y


a = 3
b = 5
# a = a - b 
a -= b 
# Output 



4. What is Multiply and assign?

This Multiply and assign will function to multiply the right operand with the left operand and will provide the result in the left operand.


x *= y


a = 3
b = 5
# a = a * b 
a *= b 
# Output 



5. What is Divide and assign Operator?

This functions to divide the left operand and provides results at the left operand.


x /= y


a = 3
b = 5
# a = a / b
a /= b 
# Output 



6. What is Modulus and Assign Operator?

This operator functions using the modulus with the left and the right operand and provides results at the left operand.


x %= y


a = 3
b = 5
# a = a % b 
a %= b 
# Output 



7. What is Divide ( floor)and Assign Operator?

This operator will divide the left operand with the right operand, and provide the result at the left operand.


x //= y


a = 3
b = 5
# a = a // b 
a //= b 
# Output 



8. What is Exponent and Assign Operator?

This operator will function to evaluate the exponent and value with the operands and, provide output in the left operand.


x **= y


a = 3
b = 5
# a = a ** b 
a **= b 
# Output 



9.What is Bitwise and Assign Operator?

This operator will function Bitwise AND on both the operand and provide the result on the left operand.


x &= y


a = 3
b = 5
# a = a & b 
a &= b 
# Output 



10. What is Bitwise OR and Assign Operator?

This operand will function Bitwise OR on the operand, and can provide result at the left operand.


x |= y


a = 3
b = 5
# a = a | b 
a |= b 
# Output 



11. What is Bitwise XOR and Assign Operator?

This operator will function for Bitwise XOR on the operands, and provide result at the left operand.


x ^= y


a = 3
b = 5
# a = a ^ b 
a ^= b 
# Output 



12. What is Bitwise Right Shift and Assign Operator?

This operator will function by providing the Bitwise shift on the operands and giving the result at the left operand.


x >>= y


a = 3
b = 5
# a = a >> b 
a >>= b 
# Output 



13. What is Bitwise Left shift and Assign Operator?

This operator will function Bitwise left shift by providing the Bitwise left shift on the operands and giving the result on the left operand.


x <<= y


a = 3
b = 5
# a = a << b 
a <<= b 
# Output 




To conclude, different types of assignment operators are discussed in this. Beginners can improve their knowledge and understand how to apply the assignment operators through reading this.

Assignment Operators in Python- FAQs

Q1. What is an assignment statement in Python?

Ans. It will calculate the expression list and can provide a single resulting object to each target list from left to right

Q2. What is the compound operator in Python?

Ans. The compound operator will do the operation of a binary operator and will save the result of the operation at the left operand.

Q3. What are the two types of assignment statements

Ans. Simple Assignment Statements and Reference Assignment Statements are the two types of assignment statements.

Hridhya Manoj

Hello, I’m Hridhya Manoj. I’m passionate about technology and its ever-evolving landscape. With a deep love for writing and a curious mind, I enjoy translating complex concepts into understandable, engaging content. Let’s explore the world of tech together

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Python Logical Operators Thu, 11 Apr 2024 12:00:39 +0000 Read more]]>

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The logical operators are used to combine the conditional statements. Let us check out this to learn more about the Python logical operators in Python.

What is the Logical Operators in Python?

In Python, Logical operators will function on the conditional statements. They will work on Logical AND, Logical OR, and Logical NOT operations.

What is Truth Table for Logical Operators in Python?

XYX and ZX or Ynot (X)not (Y)

What is the Logical AND operator in Python?

The Logical and AND operator will return True if both the operands are True otherwise, it will give the result as False.


# Python program to demonstrate 
# logical and operator 
a = 10
b = 10
c = -10
if a > 0 and b > 0: 
    print("The numbers are greater than 0") 
if a > 0 and b > 0 and c > 0: 
    print("The numbers are greater than 0") 
    print("Atleast one number is not greater than 0")


The numbers are greater than 0
Atleast one number is not greater than 0

Example 2

# Python program to demonstrate 
# logical and operator 
a = 10
b = 12
c = 0
if a and b and c: 
    print("All the numbers have boolean value as True") 
    print("Atleast one number has boolean value as False")


Atleast one number has boolean value as False

What is the Logical OR operator in Python?

The logical OR operator will return a True value if the operands come true.


# Python program to demonstrate 
# logical or operator 
a = 10
b = -10
c = 0
if a > 0 or b > 0: 
    print("Either of the number is greater than 0") 
    print("No number is greater than 0") 
if b > 0 or c > 0: 
    print("Either of the number is greater than 0") 
    print("No number is greater than 0")


Either of the number is greater than 0
No number is greater than 0

What is the Logical NOT operator in Python?

The logical not operator will function with a single boolean value. Hence, if the boolean value will come True then it will return as False and Vice versa.


# Python program to demonstrate 
# logical not operator 
a = 10
if not a: 
    print("Boolean value of a is True") 
if not (a%3 == 0 or a%5 == 0): 
    print("10 is not divisible by either 3 or 5") 
    print("10 is divisible by either 3 or 5")


10 is divisible by either 3 or 5

What is Order of Precedence of Logical Operators?

Python will calculate the expression from left to right in multiple operators.


# Python program to demonstrate 
# order of evaluation of logical 
# operators 
def order(x): 
    print("Method called for value:", x) 
    return True if x > 0 else False  
a = order 
b = order 
c = order 
if a(-1) or b(5) or c(10): 
    print("Atleast one of the number is positive")


Method called for value: -1
Method called for value: 5
Atleast one of the number is positive


To conclude, these Python logical operators provide a straightforward way to make decisions in your code. “AND” ensures both conditions must be true for the overall expression to be true, while “or” requires at least one condition to be true.

On the other hand, “not” negates the truth value of a condition. Several examples are illustrated in this for more clarity on Logical And, Logical, Logical Not operators.

Python Logical Operators- FAQs

Q1. What are logic operators?

Ans. Logical operators work to compare the logical expressions that show results either as true or false.

Q2. What is called a logical AND operator?

Ans. This AND logical operator will check if both the operands are true.

Q3. What is the syntax of logical operators?

Ans.Logical OR operator: ||

Hridhya Manoj

Hello, I’m Hridhya Manoj. I’m passionate about technology and its ever-evolving landscape. With a deep love for writing and a curious mind, I enjoy translating complex concepts into understandable, engaging content. Let’s explore the world of tech together

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Python Arithmetic Operators Thu, 11 Apr 2024 12:00:12 +0000 Read more]]>

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Python Arithmetic operators will work on mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Read this article to learn more about Python Arithmetic Operators.

What are Arithmetic Operators in Python?

Arithmetic operators are referred to as binary operators as they will perform on the two operands. Python will offer mixed arithmetic. Hence, these two operands will be of different types. In this kind of scenario, python can widen the narrower of the operands. Thus, the integer object is referred to as narrower than the float object and the float will be narrower than the complex object.

Therefore, the result of the arithmetic operation of int and float is a float. Similarly, the operation of an integer and complex object will give a complex object as the result.

What are the 7 Arithmetic Operators in Python?

The 7 arithmetic operators in Python are provided below

+The addition adds two operandsx + y
The subtraction will subtract two operandsx – y
*Multiplication can multiply two operandsx * y
/Division (float) can divide the first operand by the secondx / y
//Division (floor) will divide the first operand by the secondx // y
%The power Exponent will return the first raised to the power second.x % y
**The power Exponent will return the first raised to the power second.x ** y

Precedence of Arithmetic Operators in Python

Let us look into the Precedence and associativity of Python Arithmetic operators.

**Exponentiation Operatorright-to-left
+, –
Addition and Subtraction operators

%, *, /, //
Modulos, Multiplication, Division, and Floor Division


What are the Examples of Python Arithmetic Operators?

a.Addition Operator

+ is referred to as the addition operator and is used to add 2 values in Python Programming.

val1 = 2
val2 = 3
# using the addition operator
res = val1 + val2



b. Subtraction Operator

_ is denoted as the subtraction operator. It can subtract the second value from the first value.

val1 = 2
val2 = 3
# using the subtraction operator
res = val1 - val2



c. Multiplication Operator

In Python Programming language, * is considered as the multiplication operator. It will find the product of 2 values.

val1 = 2
val2 = 3
# using the multiplication operator
res = val1 * val2



d. Division Operator

/ is referred to as the division operator in Python Programming language. It will find the quotient where the first operand will be divided by the second.

val1 = 3
val2 = 2
# using the division operator
res = val1 / val2



e. Modulus Operator

% is referred to as the modulus operator in Python Programming language. It will find the remainder where the first operand will be divided by the second.

val1 = 3
val2 = 2
# using the modulus operator
res = val1 % val2



f. Exponentiation Operator

In Python Programming language, ** is known as the exponentiation operator. It will raise the first operand to the power of the second.

val1 = 2
val2 = 3
# using the exponentiation operator
res = val1 ** val2



g. Floor Division Operator

// will do the floor division. It will help to find the floor of the quotient where the first operand can be divided by the second.

val1 = 3
val2 = 2
# using the floor division
res = val1 // val2




To conclude, beginners can improve their skill and knowledge by learning about the Arithmetic operators. The 7 arithmetic operators and their functions are also listed in this article.

Python Arithmetic Operators- FAQs

Q1. What is 3 dots in Python?

Ans. The Python ellipsis is considered a versatile object and has a placeholder, which helps in array slicing. It can improve type hiding, and simplify indexing, and multidimensional arrays.

Q2. What does == mean in Python?

Ans. = will represent the equality operator. Hence, the operator will return true only if the operands are equal.

Q3. What is the M flag in Python?

Ans. M Flag will allow us to run the

Hridhya Manoj

Hello, I’m Hridhya Manoj. I’m passionate about technology and its ever-evolving landscape. With a deep love for writing and a curious mind, I enjoy translating complex concepts into understandable, engaging content. Let’s explore the world of tech together

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Python Literals Thu, 11 Apr 2024 11:59:59 +0000

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A Python Literal is a syntax that will denote a value of a particular data type. Literals are constants that will be self-explanatory and don’t require to be evaluated or computed. Further, they will give values or directly use them in the expressions.

However, literals are a system of symbols that have a fixed value in the source code. It is also known as the raw values or the data given in variables or constants. Read this article to learn about the different types of literals in Python.

Types of Literals in Python

Python has several types of literals like numeric literals, string literals, and boolean literals. The different types of literals in Python with examples are provided below:

a. String literals

b. Character literals

c. Numeric Literals’

d. Boolean literals

e. literal collection

f. Special literal

Python String literal

A string is considered a literal and will be made by writing a text that is surrounded by single (“), double (“), and triple quotes. Multi-line strings will be displayed with the triple quotes. The example given below illustrates the Python String literal

# in single quote
s = 'skillvertex'
# in double quotes
t = "skillvertex"
# multi-line String
m = '''skill



Python Character Literal

Python character literal is referred to as a type of string literal which has a single character and is surrounded by single or double quotes.

# character literal in single quote
v = 'n'
# character literal in double quotes
w = "a"



Python Numeric literal

The three types of Python numeric literal are provided below

a. Integer

b. Float

c. complex


Integers are those numbers that consist of both positive and negative numbers which include 0. In the example below, we have provided integer literals (0b10100, 50, 0o320, 0x12b)into different variables.

‘a’ is considered as the binary literal ‘b’ is the decimal literal, ‘c’ is referred to as the octal literal, and ‘d’ is the hexadecimal literal.

# integer literal
# Binary Literals
a = 0b10100
# Decimal Literal
b = 50
# Octal Literal
c = 0o320
# Hexadecimal Literal
d = 0x12b
print(a, b, c, d)


20 50 208 299


Float are those real numbers that have both integer and fractional parts. For example, 24.8 and 45.0 are the floating-point literals as 24.8 and 45.0 are the floating-point numbers.

# Float Literal
e = 24.8
f = 45.0
print(e, f)


24.8 45.0


These numerals are in the form of a+bj. Whereas, a is considered as the real part and b is the complex part.

z = 7 + 5j
# real part is 0 here.
k = 7j
print(z, k)


(7+5j) 7j

Python Boolean literal

There are two boolean literals in Python. Those are true and false. True will denote the value as 1 and false will give the value as 0. In the example provided below, a is true and b is false as 1 is equal to true.

a = (1 == True)
b = (1 == False)
c = True + 3
d = False + 7
print("a is", a)
print("b is", b)
print("c:", c)
print("d:", d)


a is True
b is False
c: 4
d: 7

Python literal collection

Python has four different types of literal collection

a, list literal

b. tuple literal

c.Dict Literal

d. Set Literal

List Literal

List literal has items of different data types. The values that are stored in the lists will be separated by a comma and will be enclosed within the square brackets. Different types of data can be stored in the list. These lists are mutable.

number = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
name = ['Amit', 'kabir', 'bhaskar', 2]


[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
['Amit', 'kabir', 'bhaskar', 2]

Tuple Literal

Tuple is referred to as the collection of different data types. It will be enclosed by the parentheses “()” and every element will be separated with a comma and is immutable.

even_number = (2, 4, 6, 8)
odd_number = (1, 3, 5, 7)


(2, 4, 6, 8)
(1, 3, 5, 7)

Dictionary Literal

This dictionary will store the data in the key-value pair. It will be enclosed by the curly braces ‘{}’ and every pair will be separated by the comma. Different types of data can be stored in the dictionary. These dictionaries are mutable.

alphabets = {'a': 'apple', 'b': 'ball', 'c': 'cat'}
information = {'name': 'amit', 'age': 20, 'ID': 20}


{'a': 'apple', 'b': 'ball', 'c': 'cat'}
{'name': 'amit', 'age': 20, 'ID': 20}

Set Literal

Set literal is referred to as the collection of the unordered data set. It will be enclosed by the {} and every element will be separated by the comma.

vowels = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'}
fruits = {"apple", "banana", "cherry"}


{'o', 'e', 'a', 'u', 'i'}
{'apple', 'banana', 'cherry'}

Python Special LIteral

Python has one special literal which is None. None will define a null variable. However, if the None will be compared with anything else other than None. There is a possibility to get the result as false.

water_remain = None




To conclude, beginners can learn about Python string literals, Python character literal, and Python numeric literal. The three types of numeric literal are also included in this.

Python Literals -FAQs

Q1. How many literals are there in Python?

Ans. There are five types

Q2. What is the difference between a variable and a literal in Python?

Ans. Literals are the raw values that will be stored in a variable or constant. Whereas, constants are immutable.

Q3. What’s literal programming?

Ans. Literals are referred to as the constant values that are given to constant variables.

Hridhya Manoj

Hello, I’m Hridhya Manoj. I’m passionate about technology and its ever-evolving landscape. With a deep love for writing and a curious mind, I enjoy translating complex concepts into understandable, engaging content. Let’s explore the world of tech together

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Python-Unicode System Thu, 11 Apr 2024 11:59:46 +0000

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Python-Unicode System

Unicode is considered as the standard encoding for the majority of the world’s computer. It will make sure that the text will consists of letters, symbols, emoji and other control characters and will appear same in the different devices , platforms and digital documents . Unicode plays an vital role in the internet and computing industry.

However, working with Unicode in Python will be difficult and can lead to several errors. Read this tutorial to learn the fundamentals of using Unicode in Python.

What is Unicode System?

Software applications must need to show the display message output in several languages like English, French, Japanese, Hebrew, or Hindi. Python’s string type will use the Unicode Standard to denote the characters. This Python Program will allow work with different possible characters.

Moreover, a character is referred to as the smallest component of text. Some of the different characters are ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’. Similarly, E and I are also included. A Unicode string is referred to as a sequence of code points and those are numbers from 0 through 0x10FFFF (1,114,111 decimal). Therefore, These sequences of code should be represented in memory as a set of code units and further, these code units will be mapped into 8-bit bytes.

What is Character Encoding?

It is a sequence of code points, which will be denoted in the form of memory as a set of code units, and then they are mapped into the 8-bit bytes. Character Encoding refers as the rules that are used to translate a Unicode String into a sequence of bytes.

Three types of Encoding are present and those are UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32. UTF is referred to as the Unicode Transformation Format.

Python Unicode Support

Built-in support for Unicode is available from Python 3.0 onwards. The str type will consist of Unicode Characters and thus any string will be made using the single, double, or triple-quoted string syntax and further it is stored as Unicode. The default encoding for Python source code is UTF-8.

Henceforth, the string has a representation of the Unicode character (3/4) or its Unicode value.

var = "3/4"
print (var)
var = "\u00BE"
print (var)



Example 1

The example given below, a string 10 will be stored with the Unicode values of 1 and 0 and has values such as \u0031 and u0030 .

var = "\u0031\u0030"
print (var)



Moreover, the string will show the text in the human-readable format. Bytes will store the binary characters as the binary data. Encoding will turn data into a series of bytes from the character string. Decoding is referred to as a process that will translate the bytes back to human-readable characters and symbols. In other words, encode is the string method and the decode is the Python byte object.

Example 2

In the provided example, the string variable has ASCII characters. ASCII is the sub-division of the Unicode character set. The encode method () will convert into the bytes object.

string = "Hello"
tobytes = string.encode('utf-8')
print (tobytes)
string = tobytes.decode('utf-8')
print (string)

The decode () method will turn the byte object back into the str object. The encoding method is mostly used in the utf-8.


Example 3

This example has the Rupee symbol  (₹)  that is stored in the variable with the help of Unicode value. Hence, we can turn the string to bytes and back to str.

string = "\u20B9"
print (string)
tobytes = string.encode('utf-8')
print (tobytes)
string = tobytes.decode('utf-8')
print (string)

The output that will be displayed after running the code is given below:



To conclude, this article will allow the beginner to improve their skills and knowledge regarding the Unicode system of Python. Character Encoding and several examples are provided in this article.

Python-Unicode System-FAQs

Q1. How to use UTF-8 encoding in Python?

Ans. It is possible to Use the built-in open() function with the ‘w’ mode and specifying the encoding as “utf-8” for writing the Unicode .

Q2. What is ASCII and Unicode in Python?

Ans. ASCII is a character encoding system and has 256 characters, primarily composed of English letters, numbers, and symbols. Whereas, Unicode has a larger encoding standard that includes over 149,000 characters.

Q3. Is Python type Unicode?

Ans. Python string type will use the Unicode Standard to represent characters.

Hridhya Manoj

Hello, I’m Hridhya Manoj. I’m passionate about technology and its ever-evolving landscape. With a deep love for writing and a curious mind, I enjoy translating complex concepts into understandable, engaging content. Let’s explore the world of tech together

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What is Python Type Casting Thu, 11 Apr 2024 11:59:35 +0000 Read more]]>

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Data types in Python are referred to as the categorization of data items such as numbers, integers, and strings. These data types will provide values and inform about the operations that should be done on a particular data. Python has five built-in data types. Some of them are numeric, sequence type, boolean, set, and dictionary.

Moreover, python will offer several functions or methods such as int(), float(), str(), ord(), hex(), oct(), tuple(), set(), list(),  dict (). Read this article to learn more about typecasting in Python.

Why do we use Type-Casting In Python?

To understand type-casting correctly. Look into this example, a person is traveling to Australia from India and this person needs to buy products from Australia, but only has Indian currency. Therefore, this person went to a local bank for the conversion of Indian rupees into Australian Dollars. This scenario is similar to the type casting in Python.

Similarly, in Type casting, a specific value or an object will be converted into a string. For this, the str() method is used in Python. The float method is also used to change the specified value into the floating point number and the int () method is used to convert an object into an integer value.

Hence, typecasting is used to convert one datatype to another data type.

The two varieties of typecasting in Python are the following

a. Explicit Conversion

b. Implicit Conversion

Explicit type Casting is the conversion of one data type into another data type which can be done with the support of developer or programmer intervention or according to the requirements. This conversion process can be done with the Python built-in type conversion functions like Int(), float(), hex(), oct()and str().

In Python, we have different types of data, like numbers and words. When we mix these types in a math operation, Python wants to make sure everything works smoothly. So, it might change one type to another to avoid losing information.

Thus, in Python, some data types have higher orders has lower orders. Whereas, python will convert one of the variable data types into another with the support of the Python interpreter while doing operations on variables. This process is known as Implicit type casting In Python.

Imagine you have a number (let’s say 5) and a decimal number (like 2.0). If you want to add them together, Python will automatically change the regular number to a decimal (like 5 to 5.0) before doing the math. This way, Python prevents any loss of information.

Examples of Casting

Look at the few examples for learning the several methods of typecasting in Python.

Addition of String and Integer Using Explicit Conversion

Adding a string and integer in Python. While converting a string into an integer, we can add them both as integers for getting the required output. Look at the example given below to add the string and integer in Python with the help of Explicit conversion.

Syntax for conversion of string into integer

number = int("value")


string = "56"
number = 44

# Converting the string into an integer number.
string_number = int(string)

sum_of_numbers = number + string_number
print("The Sum of both the numbers is: ", sum_of_numbers)


The Sum of both the numbers is:  100

Type Casting Int to Float

The float method is used to convert an integer or string into a floating-point number. The float method () will accept one value which will be changed into the floating -point.

The syntax of float () method is


Look at the example below to know more about the functioning of the float () method. The salary is considered as the floating point number as it has several allowances along with it. Therefore, it is possible to convert the salary into a floating-point number and do the required operations.


salary = 25000
bonus = salary * (0.25)

# Converting the salary into floating point number.
new_salary = float(salary)
print("Salary converted into floating-point: ", new_salary)
print("Salary after adding bonus: ", new_salary + bonus)


Salary converted into floating-point:  25000.0
Salary after adding bonus:  31250.0

Type casting Float into Int

Int() method in Python is a method where the conversion of value into an integer value occurs. The int() method will accept two parameters which are the value that needs to be converted into an integer and on base value(number base).

Normally, we use regular numbers like 1, 2, and 3, which are based on 10 (that’s why we call it base-10).

But in computer programming, we can use different ways to show numbers. Imagine you have the number 10, and you want to express it in a special code. Here’s how it works:

  • If you use base-8 (called octal), it’s like saying 10 is 12 in this special code.
  • If you use base-16 (called hexadecimal), it’s like saying 10 is A in this special code.
  • If you use base-2 (called binary), it’s like saying 10 is 1010 in this special code.

So, when we say “base-10,” we mean our usual numbers. But in computer programming, we sometimes use different codes, like 8, 16, or 2, for specific situations.

Syntax of int() method:

int(value, base)


string = "01101"
floating_number = 45.20

# Converting the string as well as integer number into floating point number.
new_str = int(string)
new_number = int(floating_number)
print("String converted into integer: ", new_str)
print("The floating-point number converted into integer: ", new_number)


String converted into integer:  1101
The floating-point number converted into integer:  45

Type Casting Int to String

The Str() function in Python is used to convert a specified value into a string object.

The syntax of the str() method in Python

str(object, encoding = 'utf-8', errors = 'strict')

str() in Python has three parameters, one of them is required and the other is optional. The Parameters of the str() function is provided below:

  1. Object: This is the important one. Just put whatever you want to turn into words. If you leave it empty, you get nothing.
  2. Encoding: You can think of this as telling the computer how to read the characters in your language. If you don’t say anything, it just uses a standard way. Then the default value i.e. UTF-8 is provided.
  3. Errors: This is like what happens if the computer gets confused. By default, it gets a bit grumpy if it can’t understand, but you can tell it to be more easygoing if you want.

str() is like a tool that helps Python speak in words, and you can tell it exactly how to do that if you want!


number = 55
string = str(number)
print("Converted string is:",string)


The converted string is: 55

Type Casting String to Int

Int () method is used to turn the string into an integer


int(value, base)

Value parameter is required and the base Paramater is optional


# Taking a number in the form of string
string_numbers = "11"
# Converting the string into number.
integer_number = int(string_numbers)

print("Integer number is:", integer_number)


Integer number is: 11


Beginners who wish to learn Python can get information on type Casting through the several examples illustrated in this article. The conversion of one data type into another data type is known as Type Casting.

Beginners can understand the conversion of Typecasting float into integers, Type Casting Int to String. and several others.

Python Type Casting-FAQs

Q1. What is cast () in Python?

Ans. Casting involves the process of converting the value of one type into the value of another.

Q2. What is Data type in Python?

Ans. The 6 standard data types in Python are Numeric, String, List, Tuple, Set, and Dictionary.

Q3. What is loop in Python?

Ans. A for loop in Python is like a robot that does a task repeatedly for each item in a group. It keeps going until there are no more items left in the group.

Hridhya Manoj

Hello, I’m Hridhya Manoj. I’m passionate about technology and its ever-evolving landscape. With a deep love for writing and a curious mind, I enjoy translating complex concepts into understandable, engaging content. Let’s explore the world of tech together

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Python Variables Thu, 11 Apr 2024 11:59:01 +0000

Table of Contents

Python variable is a container that will store value. Python is not referred to as statically typed. There is no need to declare the variables before using them or declare their type.

Therefore, a variable is formed after we provide a value to it. A Python variable is a name that has been given to a memory location. It is considered the fundamental unit of storage in the program. Let us check out this article to define a variable in Python.

Example Of Variable In Python

After an object is given a variable. It will known by that name. According to Layman’s terms, variables in Python have store values.

In the example given below, Skill Vertex is stored as the variable var. Thus, the stored information will be printed.

Var = "Skillvertex"



Keep in mind, that the stored value can be altered during the program execution. The Variables in Python are just a name that is assigned to a memory location. Hence, every operation that is being done on a variable will affect its memory location.

What are the Rules For Python Variables?

  • A Python Variables name will start with a letter or an underscore character.
  • A Python variable cannot begin with a number.
  • It has alpha-numeric characters and underscores such as (A-z, 0-9, and _ ).
  • It’s case-sensitive (name, Name, and Name are the three different variables.
  • The reserved words in Python cannot be included as the variable name in Python.
# valid variable name
skill = 1
Skill= 2
Sk_k_il = 5
_skill = 6
skill_ = 7
_SKILL_ = 8
print(skill, skill, Sk_k_il )
print(_skill, skill_, _SKILL_)


1 2 5
6 7 8

What is the Variable Assignment In Python?

Defining variables in Python by providing a number, floating-point number, and a string to the variable like age, salary, and a name.

# An integer assignment
age = 45
# A floating point
salary = 1456.8
# A string
name = "John"



What is the Declaration and Initialization Of Variable?

Refer to the example below to declare the variable, define the variable, and print the variable.

# declaring the var
Number = 100
# display
print( Number)



What is Redeclaring Variables In Python?

Re-declare the variable even after declaring the variable and then define it in Python already.

# declaring the var
Number = 100
# display
print("Before declare: ", Number)
# re-declare the var
Number = 120.3
print("After re-declare:", Number)


Before declare:  100
After re-declare: 120.3

Python Assigns Values to Multiple Variables 

Python will provide a value to several variables simultaneously with the  “=” operators

For example:

a = b = c = 10



Assigning different values to multiple variables

Python will add different values in a single line with the help of the “,” operator.

a, b, c = 1, 20.2, "SkillVertex"



Using the Same Name For Different Types

Python program will allow to use of the same name and can refer to the new value and type.

a = 10
a = "Skillvertex"



How does +operator work with variables?

Python Plus will give a way to add a value if it’s a number and concatenate if it’s a string. If the variable is already formed and has a new value in the same variable.

a = 10
b = 20
a = "Skill"
b = "Vertex"



Using + Operator for Different Datatypes

a = 10
b = "Geeks"


TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

What is Global and Local Python Variables?

Local Variables in Python can be defined and declared inside the function. This variable cannot be defined outside the function.’

# This function uses global variable s
def f():
    s = "Welcome skillvertex"


Welcome skillvertex

Global variables in Python are the ones that will defined and declared outside the function and will be used inside the function.

# This function has a variable with
# name same as s
def f():
# Global scope
s = "I love Skillvertex"


I love Skillvertex

What is Global Keyword in Python?

Python global is a keyword that will allow the user to change the variable outside of the scope. Hence, it is used to make a global variable from the non-global scope.

However, the global variable will be used inside the function only when it is required to do an assignment or to change the variable.

Rules of global keyword

  1. Local and Global Variables:
    • When you create a variable inside a function, it’s like a secret code that only that function understands. We call this a “local” variable.
    • If you create a variable outside of any function, it’s like a universal code that everyone can understand. We call this a “global” variable.
  2. Implicitly Global Variables:
    • If you only talk about (reference) a global variable inside a function, Python understands that you’re talking about the big universal code. You don’t need to declare it as global unless you want to change it.
  3. Using global Keyword:
    • If you want to change the big universal code (global variable) inside a function, you need to tell Python explicitly by using the word “global.”


x = 15
def change():
    # using a global keyword
    global x
    # increment value of a by 5
    x = x + 5
    print("Value of x inside a function :", x)
print("Value of x outside a function :", x)


Value of x inside a function : 20
Value of x outside a function : 20

What is Variable Type in Python?

Data types have classification or categorization of data items. Data types will show the value that tells what operations can be done on a particular data.

Since everything is an object in Python programming, data types are classes and variables are instances (objects) of these classes.

Build-in Python Data types:


b.Text Type

c. Sequence Type

d. Boolean

d. Set

e. Dictionary


# numberic
var = 123
print("Numeric data : ", var)
# Sequence Type
String1 = 'Welcome to the Skillvertex'
print("String with the use of Single Quotes: ")
# Boolean
# Creating a Set with
# the use of a String
set1 = set("Skillvertex")
print("\nSet with the use of String: ")
# Creating a Dictionary
# with Integer Keys
Dict = {1: 'Skill', 2: 'For', 3: 'Vertex'}
print("\nDictionary with the use of Integer Keys: ")


Numeric data :  123
String with the use of Single Quotes: 
Welcome to the Skill vertex
<class 'bool'>
<class 'bool'>
Set with the use of String: 
{'v', 'S', 'K', 'I', 'E', 'L', 'R'}
Dictionary with the use of Integer Keys: 
{1: skill', 2: 'For', 3: 'skill'}

Creating Objects

class CSStudent:
    # Class Variable
    stream = 'cse'
    # The init method or constructor
    def __init__(self, roll):
        # Instance Variable
        self.roll = roll
# Objects of CSStudent class
a = CSStudent(101)
b = CSStudent(102)
print(  # prints "cse"
print(  # prints "cse"
print(a.roll)    # prints 101
# Class variables can be accessed using class
# name also
print(  # prints "cse"




To conclude, this article is about Python variables, assigning values to multiple and different variables. A global and local variable in Python is also added to this. Students can understand Python variables easily through this.

Python Variables -FAQs

Q1. What are variables in Python?

Ans. A Python variable is a reserved memory location to store values.

Q2. What are the 4 variables in Python?

Ans. Integer, float, String, and Boolean

Q3. What are called variables?

Ans. A variable can be either a characteristic, number, or quantity that can be measured or counted. 

Hridhya Manoj

Hello, I’m Hridhya Manoj. I’m passionate about technology and its ever-evolving landscape. With a deep love for writing and a curious mind, I enjoy translating complex concepts into understandable, engaging content. Let’s explore the world of tech together

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Python Syntax Thu, 11 Apr 2024 11:58:51 +0000

Table of Contents

Python syntax consists of a set of rules which are used to make Python Programs. This Python Programming language syntax has several similarities with the Perl, Java, and C Programming languages.

Moreover,this tutorial will guide you on the execution of the Python program to Print “Hello World” in the 2 different modes of Python programming. It will also discuss the Python reserved codes.

What is Python Syntax?

Python syntax is considered as the set of rules that will further define a combination of symbols, which is required to write the structured programs of Python correctly.

Furthermore, these rules are defined to ensure that programs are written in Python and must be structured and formatted. Thus, the Python Interpreter can analyze and run the program accurately.

How to execute the first Python Program?

Python Programs can be executed for printing “Hello World” in two different modes of Python Programming. These are a) Interactive Mode Programming and b) Script Mode Programming.

Python- Interactive Mode Programming

Python interpreter can be brought up from the command line by entering Python in the command prompt as provided below:

$ python3
Python 3.10.6 (main, Mar 10 2023, 10:55:28) [GCC 11.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

In this command prompt, >>> represents a Python Command Prompt and the command can be entered. The following text can be entered at the Python Prompt and then, select enter.

>>> print ("Hello, World!")

However, it is required to print a statement without parenthesis as in the print “Hello, World!”. If you are using the old version of Python like Python 2.4x. The output in Python version 3. x will be the following:

Hello, World!

What is Python-Script Mode Programming?

Python Interpreter can be brought up with the script parameter which has an execution of the script and will be continued until the script is completed. Thus, the interpreter won’t be available when the script is completed.

To write a simple Python Program, where the Python Program has an extension of .py. Enter the following code in the file.

print ("Hello, World!")

Suppose you have an interpreter path that is set in a Path Variable. Run the program that is given below:

$ python3

The desired output is the following:

Hello, World!

Another way to execute the Python script is provided here. The modified file is the following


print ("Hello, World!")

Suppose the interpreter will be accessible in the /usr/bin directory. Run the program given below:

$ chmod +x     # This is to make file executable

The desired result is the following:

Hello, World!

What is a Python Identifier?

Python identifier refers to identifying a variable, function, class, module, and other object. An identifier will begin with the letter A to Z which is followed by zero, underscores, and digits.

Python won’t allow any punctuation characters like  @, $, and %  within the identifiers.

The criteria for naming the Python identifiers are the follows:

a. Python Class name will start with the uppercase letter. All the other identifiers will start with a lowercase letter.

b. An identifier will start with the single leading underscore that will refer to the identifier as private.

c. Identifier which begins with the two leading underscores will show that it has a strongly private identifier.

d. The identifier will end up with the two trailing underscores and also, the identifier has a language-defined special name.

What are the Python Keywords?

Python Keywords are reserved words and can’t be used as constants or variables. The Python Keyword must have lowercase letters.


What are Python Lines and Indentation?

Python Programming has no braces for representing the block of code for class and function definitions. The block of code is represented by line indentation.

However, the number of spaces in indentation is considered as a variable. Whereas, all the statements within the block will be indented in the same way. Let’s check the example provided below:

if True:
   print ("True")
   print ("False")

The block given below has an error

if True:
   print ("Answer")
   print ("True")
   print ("Answer")
   print ("False")

It’s important to remember that the continuous lines that are intended with the same number of spaces can create a block. The example given below will illustrate the several statement blocks:

import sys

   # open file stream
   file = open(file_name, "w")
except IOError:
   print "There was an error writing to", file_name
print "Enter '", file_finish,
print "' When finished"
while file_text != file_finish:
   file_text = raw_input("Enter text: ")
   if file_text == file_finish:
      # close the file
file_name = raw_input("Enter filename: ")
if len(file_name) == 0:
   print "Next time please enter something"
   file = open(file_name, "r")
except IOError:
   print "There was an error reading file"

What is Python Multi-Line Statements?

Python Statements will mostly end with a new line. So, python will use the line continuation character / to show that the line will continue. Refer to the example given below:

total = item_one + \
        item_two + \

The statements that are enclosed with the  [], {}, or ()  brackets will use the line continuation character. The following example will work in Python:

days = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday',
        'Thursday', 'Friday']

What is Quotations in Python ?

Python will accept single (‘), double (“), and triple (”’ or ” “)  for representing the string literals. We know that the same type of quote will start and end with the same string type.

The triple quotes are mostly used for the multiple lines. Let us check the example given below.

word = 'word'
print (word)

sentence = "This is a sentence."
print (sentence)

paragraph = """This is a paragraph. It is
 made up of multiple lines and sentences."""
print (paragraph)

What is Comments in Python?

A comment is referred to as a programmer-readable explanation in the Python source code. So, comments are mostly added to the source code for easier readability. It will be neglected by the Python interpreter.

Python will have single-line and multi-line comments. Python comments are mostly similar to the comments that are available in the PHP, BASH, and Perl Programming languages.

A hash sign (#) that is not kept inside a string will denote the beginning of a comment. Every character will have # from the start to the end of the physical line and so the Python interpreter will neglect this comment.

# First comment
print ("Hello, World!") # Second comment

The result is provided below:

Hello, World!

Enter the comment on the same line after the statement

name = "Madisetti" # This is again comment

Type the multiple lines comment as the following:

# This is a comment.
# This is a comment, too.
# This is a comment, too.
# I said that already.

However, the triple quoted string will be neglected by the Python interpreter and thus will denote the multi-line comments.

This is a multiline

Using Black Lines in Python Programs

A line consists of a whitespace which can include a comment and is known as a black line and the Python interpreter will ignore it.

Whereas, you are required to enter the empty physical line to end the multiline statement in an interactive interpreter session.

Waiting for a User

The program that is provided below will denote the prompt and the statement will tell to “Press the enter key to exit” and then wait to take the required action by the user.


raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")

In the program given above, “\n\n” will make two new lines before showing the actual line. After the user clicks the key, the program will automatically stop.

Multi Statements Groups as Suites

The group of individual statements will make a single code block which is referred to as a suite in Python. Compound or complex sentences like the if, while, def, and class. It will need a header line and a suite.

Header lines will start with the statement with the keyword and then will end with the colon (: ). This will have one or more lines that can create a suite.

if expression :
elif expression :
else :

What is Command Line Arguments in Python?

Several Programs can be executed with a few basic information about the program being executed. This can be done using the -h-

$ python3 -h
usage: python3 [option] ... [-c cmd | -m mod | file | -] [arg] ...
Options and arguments (and corresponding environment variables):
-c cmd : program passed in as string (terminates option list)
-d     : debug output from parser (also PYTHONDEBUG=x)
-E     : ignore environment variables (such as PYTHONPATH)
-h     : print this help message and exit

[ etc. ]

It is also possible to script the program in a manner that has several options.


To conclude, this article will allow the students to understand how to execute the Python program along with the examples. This illustrated example will allow them to know more about this. Adding the comments in the Python program is also included.

Python Syntax- FAQs

Q1. Is Python syntax easy?

Ans. Python has the simplest syntax.

Q2. What is mean in Python syntax?

Ans. mean(data-set/input-values)

Q3. Why Python is used?

Ans. Python is used to help the software development tasks such as build control, bug tracking, and testing with Python.

Hridhya Manoj

Hello, I’m Hridhya Manoj. I’m passionate about technology and its ever-evolving landscape. With a deep love for writing and a curious mind, I enjoy translating complex concepts into understandable, engaging content. Let’s explore the world of tech together

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How To Work With Unicode In Python? Thu, 11 Apr 2024 11:58:08 +0000 Read more]]>

Table of Contents

How To Work With Unicode In Python?

Python is an object-oriented programming language. This article will discuss the Unicode system and working with Unicode in Python.

What is the Unicode system?

The Unicode system is a software application that will show output in different languages that are English, French, Japanese, and Hebrew. Python’s string type will use the Unicorn Standard for showing the characters. This way it will allow the program to work with different characters.

However, a character is considered the smallest possible component of the text. A, B, and C are the different characters. A unicorn string is referred to as a sequence of code points that has a number from 0 through 0x10FFFFFF. The sequence of code will be represented in memory as code unit sets and code units are then converted into 8-bit bytes

What is Character Encoding?

A sequence of code will be represented in memory in the form of code units. Therefore, the rule for converting a Unicode string to a sequence of bytes is called character encoding.

There are three types of encoding such as UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32. The full form of UTF is the Unicode Transformation Format.

What is Python’s Unicode Support?

Python 3.0 has built-in support for Unicode. The str type has Unicode characters and has strings such as single, double, or triple-quoted string syntax which is stored as Unicode. The default encoding for the Python source code is UTF-8.

The string has a literal representation of the Unicode character.

var = "3/4"
print (var)
var = "\u00BE"
print (var)

The code has an output


Example 1

In the example provided below has a string 10 which will be stored with the Unicode values of 1 and 0 and has the values \u0031 and u0030 respectively

var = "\u0031\u0030"
print (var)



The string will show the text in a format that is human-readable. The bytes will store characters as binary data. Whereas, encoding will translate data from a character string into a series of bytes. Decoding refers to a process where the bytes back will translate into a human-readable character.

In the example given below, it has a string variable that consists of ASCII characters. ASCII is a sub-division of a Unicode character set. The encoding method will use utf-8. The decode method will translate back to str object.

string = "Hello"
tobytes = string.encode('utf-8')
print (tobytes)
string = tobytes.decode('utf-8')
print (string)



Example 2

The rupee symbol will be stored in the variable with the Unicorn value. Then, translate the string into bytes.

string = "\u20B9"
print (string)
tobytes = string.encode('utf-8')
print (tobytes)
string = tobytes.decode('utf-8')
print (string)




To conclude, this article is about the working of Unicode in Python. Several examples are illustrated in this article to understand it more clearly.

How To Work With Unicode In Python- FAQs

Q1. How do I print a Unicode character in a string in Python?

Ans. Print Unicode Character with the ord() Function. We can print Unicode character through combining ord() with the chr() function .

Q2. How do you write Unicode in a string?

Ans. You can add a special character to a string using its unique code. There are three ways to do this. Special characters such as \xXX,\uXXXX and

Q3. What is the Unicode format for Python?

Ans.  Unicode is referred to as the mapping, and UTF-8 enables a computer to understand that mapping. In Python 3, the default string encoding is UTF-8, which means that the Unicode code point in the Python string is automatically converted into the corresponding character.

Hridhya Manoj

Hello, I’m Hridhya Manoj. I’m passionate about technology and its ever-evolving landscape. With a deep love for writing and a curious mind, I enjoy translating complex concepts into understandable, engaging content. Let’s explore the world of tech together

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